Utilization of AHP-MAUT Method to Determine the Country of Exhibition Abroad in Batik Hatta Boutique

Saifur Rohman Cholil (1), Tria Ardianita (2)
(1) Universitas Semarang
(2) Universitas Semarang
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Cholil, S. R., & Ardianita, T. (2021). Utilization of AHP-MAUT Method to Determine the Country of Exhibition Abroad in Batik Hatta Boutique. JITCE (Journal of Information Technology and Computer Engineering), 5(02), 52–56. https://doi.org/10.25077/jitce.5.02.52-56.2021

This research was conducted with the aim of helping decide the destination country for overseas exhibitions at the Batik Hatta Boutique. By knowing all the data and information of a country, boutique owners can decide which country to visit in the batik exhibition. Because if you attend the cast in all countries, there will be overruns in costs. The methods used are AHP and MAUT. The AHP method is used as a weighting using a linguistic value scale. Weights are obtained from the pairwise comparison matrix between two elements of all elements that occur at the same hierarchical level. The MAUT method is used to determine the importance of each alternative for the ranking process. The results of this study indicate that Cambodia was chosen as the location to be visited for the batik exhibition. The results of the validation using the Spearman Rank correlation comparison obtained a value of 0.951 meaning that this method can be used as a decision making.

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