Citedness in Scopus


last update: August 2024

JITCE (Journal of Information Technology and Computer Engineering) has been cited by articles on the Scopus database at least 89 times since it was first published in March 2017. 

  1. Anandika, A., et al. "Hand gesture to control virtual keyboard using neural network" JITCE: Journal Of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, vol. 7, no.1 , 2023, pp.40-48.,
    Cited By (Scopus Documents):
    1. Takeshita, T.;Okada,Y.(2023), Hand Gesture Input Interface as Native Function of IntelligentBox Using Leap Motion Controller, Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and COmmunications Technologies Volume:176 Pages: 395-406 Published:2023.

  2. Setiowati, S., et al. "Lora communication in the service level monitoring satu duit bogor bridge" JITCE: Journal Of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, vol. 7, no.1 , 2023, pp.19-28.,
    Cited By (Scopus Documents):
    1. Takeshita, T.;Okada,Y.(2023), Implementation of Environmental Monitoring and Controlling for The Oyster Mushroom Based on The Internet of Things, 2023 Eighth International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC) Published:2023.

  3. Kommey, B. "Automatic Ceiling Fan Control Using Temperature and Room Occupancy" JITCE: Journal Of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, vol. 6, no.1 , 2022, pp.1-7.,
    Cited By (Scopus Documents):
    1. Adewole, K.S., Jacobsson, A.(2024), HOMEFUS: A Privacy and Security-Aware Model for IoT Data Fusion in Smart Connected Homes, International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security, IoTBDS - Proceedings Pages: 133-140 Published:2024.
    2. Sayed, A.N., Bensaali, F., Himeur, Y., Houchati, M.(2023), Edge-Based Real-Time Occupancy Detection System through a Non-Intrusive Sensing System, Energies Volume: 16(5) Pages:2388 Published:2023.
    3. Karthik, P., Ragul, D., Raffik, R., Srinivasan, K., Sujay, S.(2023), Indoor Climate Control with Low-Cost Fan Automation, 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation, ICAECA Published:2023.

  4. Ismail, I. "The smart agriculture based on reconstructed thermal image" JITCE: Journal Of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, vol. 6, no.1 , 2022, pp.8-13.,
    Cited By (Scopus Documents):
    1. Ferdian, R., Fattah, R.A., Erlina, T.(2023), Implementation of Environmental Monitoring and Controlling for The Oyster Mushroom Based on The Internet of Things, 2023 8th International Conference on Informatics and Computing, ICIC Published:2023.

  5. Andiyantama, M. Q., et al."Prediksi energi listrik kincir angin berdasarkan data kecepatan angin menggunakan LSTM" JITCE: Journal Of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, vol. 5, no.1 , 2021, pp.1-7.,
    Cited By (Scopus Documents):
    1. Pratama,D.R., Jaya, I., Iqbal, M.(2021), Algorithm design for wind prediction in Berakit Bay, Bintan Island using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) method, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science944(1),012006 Published:2021.

  6. Rahmadya, B.R. "Sistem Monitoring Konsumsi Daya Listrik Dengan Mengimplementasikan Bluetooth Low Energy" JITCE: Journal Of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, vol. 5, no.1 , 2021, pp.33-40.,
    Cited By (Scopus Documents):
    1. Aisuwarya, R., Yolanda, D., Talmera, A.T.(2023), An Electricity Usage Monitoring System Using Internet of Things (IoT) for Small Business Stalls, 2023 1st International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technologies, ICONNIC 2023 - Proceeding Pages: 287-291 Published:2023.

  7. Prasetyo, S.E., et al. "A cardiotocographic classification using feature selection: A comparative study" JITCE: Journal Of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, vol. 5, no.1 , 2021, pp.25-32.,
    Cited By (Scopus Documents):
    1. Zhang, Z., Zhang, F., Mao, L., Chen, C., Ning,H.(2024),DFS-WR: A novel dual feature selection and weighting representation framework for classification, Information Fusion Volume: 104,102191 Published:2024.
    2. Nagabotu, V., Namburu, A.(2024), Stack Ensemble Algorithm for Cardiotocography Based Foetal Health Risk Classification, Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, Volume: 38 Issue: 1 Pages:227-236 Published:2024.
    3. Wei,Y.(2024), Chinese and English text classification techniques incorporating CHI feature selection for ELT cloud classroom, Open Computer Science Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Published:2024.
    4. Kurniawan, M., Yuliastuti, G.,Rachman, A.,Budi, A., Zaqiyah H.(2024), Implementing K-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) Algorithm and Backward Elimination on Cardiotocography Datasets,International Journal On Informatics Visualization Volume: 8 Issue: 3 Published:2024.
    5. Kapila, R., Saleti, S.(2023), Optimizing fetal health prediction: Ensemble modeling with fusion of feature selection and extraction techniques for cardiotocography data, IComputational Biology and Chemistry Volume:107,107973 Published:2023.
    6. Muda, M.Z., Solis, A.R., Panoutsos, G.(2023), An evolving feature weighting framework for radial basis function neural network models, Expert Systems Volume: 40 Issues : 5,e13201 Published:2023.
    7. Shruthi, K., Poornima, A.S.(2023), A Method for Predicting and Classifying Fetus Health Using Machine Learning, International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering Volume:11 Issue :2 Pages: 752-762 Published:2023.
    8. Islam, M.M., Rokunojjaman, M., Amin, A., Akhtar, M.N., Sarker, I.H.(2024), Diagnosis and Classification of Fetal Health Based on CTG Data Using Machine Learning Techniques, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST491 LNICST, Pages: 3-16 Published:2024.
    9. Varshney, H., Singh, A.(2023), A Machine Learning-Based Prediction Model for Fetal Health Assessment, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems519 LNNS, Pages: 239-250 Published:2023.
    10. Pradana, D., Sugiharti, E.(2023), Implementation Data Mining with Naive Bayes Classifier Method and Laplace Smoothing to Predict Students Learning Results, Recursive Journal of Informatics Volume: 1 Issue:1 Pages: 1-8 Published:2023.
    11. Nagabotu, V., Namburu, A.(2023), Review on Fetal Health Classification, Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence Pages: 51-60 Published:2023.
    12. Aldossary, Y., Ebrahim, M., Hewahi, N.(2022), A Comparative Study Of Heart Disease Prediction Using Tree-Based Ensemble Classification Techniques, 2022 International Conference on Data Analytics for Business and Industry, ICDABI Pages: 353-357 Published:2022.
    13. Aldossary, Y., Alhaddad, S., Ebrahim, M., Zeki, A.M.(2022), Comparing K-Nearest Neighbors, Random Forest and Naïve Bayes Models to Classify Fetal Health Using Resampling Methods, 2022 International Conference on Data Analytics for Business and Industry, ICDABI Pages: 250-254 Published:2022.
    14. Tokmak, M. & Küçüksille, E. U. (2022), Comparative Analysis of Dimension Reduction and Classification Using Cardiotocography Data, Versatile Multidisciplinary Engineering Research Pages: 149-164 Published:2022.
    15. Bhowmik, P., Bhowmik, P.C.,Ali, U.A.Md.E.,Sohrawordi, Md.(2021), Cardiotocography Data Analysis to Predict Fetal Health Risks with Tree-Based Ensemble Learning, I.J. Information Technology and Computer Science Volume: 5 Pages: 30-40 Published:2021.
    16. Parvathavarthine, K., Balasubramanian, Dr.R.(2021), Design of a Novel Fuzzy Inference Convolutional Neural Network (FICNN) Based Material and Embryo Risk Assesment System For FECG and USG Signals, Information Technology in Industry Volume: 9 Issue:2 Published:2021.

  8. Hersyah, R.F.M.H. "Rancang bangun sistem reservasi ruangan menggunakan near field communication (nfc) berbasis mikrokontroller" JITCE: Journal Of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, vol. 4, no.2 , 2020, pp.95-104.,
    Cited By (Scopus Documents):
    1. Asih, R.R., Sholikhah, T.I., Ulhaq, N.D., (...), Sarosa, M., Mas'udia, P.E.(2022),Proceedings - IEIT 2022: 2022 International Conference on Electrical and Information Technology Pages: 165-168 Published:2022.

  9. Oyedeji, A.O., et al. "Analysis and prediction of student academic performance using machine learning" JITCE: Journal Of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, vol. 4, no.1 , 2020, pp.10-15.,
    Cited By (Scopus Documents):
    1. Ting, T.T., Lee, S.C., Wee, M.C., Chaw, J.K.(2024),Romantic Relationship Patterns, Detailed Covariates, and Impacts on Education: a Study on Young Adults in the U.S. Using ICPSR Dataset, Global Social Welfare Volume: 11 Issue: 2, Pages: 151-163 Published:2024.
    2. Rahman, N.H.A., Sulaiman, S.A., Ramli, N.A.(2024), Development of predictive model for students' final grades using machine learning techniques, AIP Conference Proceedings Volume: 2895 Issue:1,060003 Published:2024.
    3. Tin, T.T., Hock, L.S., Ikumapayi, O.M.(2024),Educational Big Data Mining: Comparison of Multiple Machine Learning Algorithms in Predictive Modelling of Student Academic Performance Educational Big Data Mining, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications Volume:15 Issue:6 Pages: 633-645 Published:2024.
    4. hui, Y.(2024), Predicting Math Performance in High School Students using Machine Learning Techniques, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications Volume: 15 Issue:5 Pages: 142-153 Published:2024.
    5. Ravi Kiran, G., Nassa, V.K., Banappagoudar, S.B., (...), Sidana, N., Tiwari, T.(2023), Using Artificial Intelligence to Track and Predict Student Performance in Degree Programmes, 3rd IEEE International Conference on ICT in Business Industry and Government, ICTBIG Published:2023.
    6. Mashagba, E., Al-Saqqar, F., Al-Shatnawi, A.(2023), Using Gradient Boosting Algorithms in Predicting Student Academic Performance, 2nd International Conference on Business Analytics for Technology and Security, ICBATS Published:2023.
    7. Naidoo, D., Adeliyi, T.T.(2023), Analysing University at-Risk Students in a Virtual Learning Environment using Machine Learning Algorithms, 2023 Conference on Information Communications Technology and Society, ICTAS 2023 - Proceedings Published:2023.
    8. Hamadneh, N.N., Atawneh, S., Khan, W.A., Almejalli, K.A., Alhomoud, A.(2022), Using Artificial Intelligence to Predict Students’ Academic Performance in Blended Learning, Sustainability (Switzerland) Volume: 14 Issue:18,11642 Published:2022.
    9. Mohd Fadilah, K.I., Zainol, Z., Ebrahim, M., Hoong Lee, A.S.(2022), Covid-19 Effect on Undergraduate Computing Students' Performance at Higher Education: Pilot Study, 2021 6th IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering, ICRAIE Published:2022.
    10. Yakubu, M.N., Abubakar, A.M.(2022), Applying machine learning approach to predict students’ performance in higher educational institutions, Kybernetes Volume:51 Issue:2 Pages: 916-934 Published:2022.
    11. Czibula, G., Ciubotariu, G., Maier, M.-I., Lisei, H.(2022),IntelliDaM: A Machine Learning-Based Framework for Enhancing the Performance of Decision-Making Processes. A Case Study for Educational Data Mining, IEEE Access Volume:10 Pages: 80651-80666 Published:2022.
    12. Yurynets, R., Yurynets, Z., Danylevych, N.(2022), Innovative Methods of Assessing the Academic Success of Students in Higher Education Institutions, CEUR Workshop Proceedings Volume:3171 Pages: 1297-1307 Published:2022.
    13. Ismanto, E., Ghani, H.A., Saleh, N.I.M., Al Amien, J., Gunawan, R.(2022),Recent systematic review on student performance prediction using backpropagation algorithms, Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Volume:20 Issue:3 Pages: 597-606 Published:2022.
    14. Albreiki, B., Habuza, T., Shuqfa, Z., (...), Zaki, N., Harous, S.(2021), Customized rule-based model to identify at-risk students and propose rational remedial actions, Big Data and Cognitive Computing Volume:5 Issue:4,71 Published:2021.
    15. Kour, S., Kumar, R., Gupta, M.(2021), Analysis of student performance using Machine learning Algorithms, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications, ICIRCA Pages: 1395-1403 Published:2021.
    16. Albreiki, B., Zaki, N., Alashwal, H.(2021), A systematic literature review of student’ performance prediction using machine learning techniques, Education Sciences Volume: 11 Issue:9,552 Published:2021.
    17. Laksito, A.D., Yaqin, A., Adi, S., Hayaty, M.(2021), Neural Network Optimization for Prediction of Student Study Period, 2021 6th International Conference on Informatics and Computing, ICIC Published:2021.

  10. Kommey, B., et al. "Ultrasonic sensor-based automated water dam shutter" JITCE: Journal Of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, vol. 4, no.1 , 2020, pp.1-4.,
    Cited By (Scopus Documents):
    1. Dudhe, P., Magarde, G., Raj, M., Karemore, A., Wankhede, J.(2023),Advancing Applied Nonlinear Real-Time IoT System for Disaster-Resilient Dam Management through Water Level Monitoring Systems, Advances in Nonlinear Variational Inequalities Volume:26 Issue:2 Pages: 123-133 Published:2024.
    2. Palsodkar, P., Shrivastav, R., Ayangar, A., (...), Yadav, S., Palsodkar, P.(2022), Sensor Cloudlet Interconnecting System for water Reservoirs Security, IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference, R10-HTC2022-September Pages: 67-70 Published:2022.
    3. Sri Rohith, P., Catherin, R., Bhanu Priya, R., Prithvi Krishna, K., Ramesh Kumar, P.(2020),IoT based state of the art dam management system in indian scenario, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud, ISMAC 20209243503 Pages: 362-366 Published:2020.

  11. Oladimeji, O.O., et al. "Predicting survival of heart failure patients using classification algorithms" JITCE: Journal Of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, vol. 4, no.2 , 2020, pp.90-94.,
    Cited By (Scopus Documents):
    1. Oladimeji, O.O., Oladimeji, A., Oladimeji, O.(2024),Classification models for likelihood prediction of diabetes at early stage using feature selection, Applied Computing and Informatics Volume:20 Issue:3-4 Pages: 279-286 Published:2024.
    2. Taiwo, G.A., Saraee, M., Fatai, J.(2024), Crime Prediction Using Twitter Sentiments and Crime Data, Informatica (Slovenia) Volume:48 Issue:6 Pages: 35-42 Published:2024.
    3. Sandilya, P.K., Pal, D., Dahiya, S.R., Dana, S.K.(2024),Prognostic Modeling for Heart Failure Survival: A Classification Approach, Proceedings - 11th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks, SPIN Pages: 415-420 Published:2024.
    4. Ramdhani, Y., Putra, C.M., Alamsyah, D.P.(2023), Heart failure prediction based on random forest algorithm using genetic algorithm for feature selection, International Journal of Reconfigurable and Embedded Systems Volume:12 Issue:2 Pages: 205-214 Published:2023.
    5. Ay, Ş., Ekinci, E., Garip, Z.(2023), A comparative analysis of meta-heuristic optimization algorithms for feature selection on ML-based classification of heart-related diseases, Journal of Supercomputing Volume:79 Issue:11 Pages: 11797-11826 Published:2023..
    6. Özbay Karakuş, M., Er, O.(2022), A comparative study on prediction of survival event of heart failure patients using machine learning algorithms, Neural Computing and Applications Volume:34 Issue:16 Pages: 13895-13908 Published:2022..
    7. Benhar, H., Hosni, M., Idri, A.(2022),Univariate and Multivariate Filter Feature Selection for Heart Disease Classification, Journal of Information Science and Engineering Volume:38 Issue:4 Pages: 791-803 Published:2022.
    8. Kedia, S., Bhushan, M.(2022), Prediction of Mortality from Heart Failure using Machine Learning, 2022 2nd International Conference on Emerging Frontiers in Electrical and Electronic Technologies, ICEFEET Published:2022.
    9. Sharma, K., Chawla, R., Shukla, U., (...), Pundir, A., Saxena, G.J.(2022), Predictive Analysis based on Feature Relevance Estimation for Survival Rate Post Heart Failure using Ensemble Learners, IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics, ICDCECE Published:2022.
    10. Muntasir Nishat, M., Faisal, F., Jahan Ratul, I., (...), Reza, M.T., Khan, M.R.H.(2022), A Comprehensive Investigation of the Performances of Different Machine Learning Classifiers with SMOTE-ENN Oversampling Technique and Hyperparameter Optimization for Imbalanced Heart Failure Dataset, Scientific Programming,3649406 Published:2022.
    11. Turkmenoglu, B.K., Yildiz, O.(2021),Predicting the survival of heart failure patients in unbalanced data sets | [Dengesiz veri setlerinde kalp yetmezliǧi hastalarinin saǧkalim tespiti], SIU 2021 - 29th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, Proceedings 9477806 Published:2021.
    12. Sannino, G., De Pietro, G., De Falco, I.(2021), Automatic Extraction of Interpretable Knowledge to Predict the Survival of Patients with Heart Failure, Proceedings - 2021 IEEE/ACM Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies, CHASE Pages: 166-173 Published:2021.
    13. Oladimeji, O.O., Oladimeji, A., Olayanju, O.(2021),Machine learning models for diagnostic classification of hepatitis C tests, Frontiers in Health Informatics Volume:10 Issue:70 Published:2021.
    14. Karaoglu, A.N., Caglar, H., Degirmenci, A., Karal, O.(2021), Performance Improvement with Decision Tree in Predicting Heart Failure, Proceedings - 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering, UBMK Pages: 781-784 Published:2021.

  12. Fauzi, A., et al. "Sistem Kendali Jarak Jauh dan Monitoring Penggunaan Listrik pada Pompa Air melalui Smartphone" JITCE: Journal Of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, vol. 4, no.1 , 2020, pp.32-39.,
    Cited By (Scopus Documents):
    1. Aisuwarya, R., Yolanda, D., Talmera, A.T.(2023),An Electricity Usage Monitoring System Using Internet of Things (IoT) for Small Business Stalls, 2023 1st International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technologies, ICONNIC - Proceeding Pages: 287-291 Published:2023.
    2. Wira Ambara Arifin, D.P., Mardiati, R., Effendi, M.R., Sartika, N.(2022),Boarding House Water Usage Monitoring System Using Ineternet of Things-Based Application, Proceeding of 2022 16th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and Applications, TSSA Published:2022.
    3. Putri, R.E., Nazara, N.A.S.(2022), The Implementation Of Hand Gestures On The Fountain Burst Pattern, Proceeding - 2022 International Symposium on Information Technology and Digital Innovation: Technology Innovation During Pandemic, ISITDI Pages: 27-31 Published:2022.

  13. Oyedeji, A. O. "Development of an Arduino Based Electric Cooker Timer System" JITCE: Journal Of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, vol. 4, no.1 , 2020, pp.28-31.,
    Cited By (Scopus Documents):
    1. Made Agus Mahardiananta, I., Made Aditya Nugraha, I., Putra, P.A.M., Gede Sura Adnyana, I.(2022),Magnetic Stirrer with Speed Advisor and Timer Based on Microcontroller, Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) Volume:3 Issue:1 Pages: 18-25 Published:2022.

  14. Putra, R.W., et al. "Sistem Monitoring Tanah Longsor Berbasis Internet of Things dan Geographic Information System" JITCE: Journal Of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, vol. 3 ,no.2, 2019, pp.70-77.,
    Cited By (Scopus Documents):
    1. Yulianto, Y.W., Cholil, M.(2024),Landslide Susceptibility Levels Analysis Based on Geographic Information System (GIS) in Simo District, Boyolali Regency, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume:1357 Issue:1,012044 Published:2024.

  15. Firmawati, N., et al. "Rancang Bangun Mesin Pembuat Minuman Kopi Otomatis Berbasis Arduino UNO dengan Kontrol Android" JITCE: Journal Of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, vol. 3 ,no.1, 2019, pp.25-29.,
    Cited By (Scopus Documents):
    1. Setiawan, A., Ma’arif, A.(2021),Stirring System Design for Automatic Coffee Maker Using OMRON PLC and PID Control, Boyolali Regency, International Journal of Robotics and Control Systems Volume:1 Issue:3 Pages: 390-401 Published:2021.

  16. Fatimah, N."Rancang Bangun sistem pencampur minuman jamu otomatis berbasis mikrokontroler" JITCE: Journal Of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, vol. 3 ,no.1, 2019, pp.8-17.,
    Cited By (Scopus Documents):
    1. Putri, R.E., Chairunnisa, C.(2021),Design and Implementation of An Automated Kawa Leaves Brewing System, Proceedings - 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering: The Effects of the Digital World After Pandemic (EDWAP), IC2SE Published:2021.

  17. Al-Haija,Q.A., et al. "Design and on-field testing of wireless sensor network-based air quality monitoring system" JITCE: Journal Of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, vol. 3, no.2 , 2019, pp.54-59.,
    Cited By (Scopus Documents):
    1. Khalil, M., Al-Haija, Q.A., Ahmad, S.(2024),Healthcare IoT networks using LPWAN ( Book Chapter), Low-Power Wide Area Network for Large Scale Internet of Things: Architectures, Communication Protocols and Recent Trends Pages: 203-216 Published:2024.
    2. Ferdian, R., Fattah, R.A., Erlina, T.(2023), Implementation of Environmental Monitoring and Controlling for The Oyster Mushroom Based on The Internet of Things, 2023 8th International Conference on Informatics and Computing, ICIC Published:2023.
    3. Soares, P.H., Monteiro, J.P., de Freitas, H.F.S., (...), Vieira, F.S., Andrade, C.M.G.(2022),Monitoring and Analysis of Outdoor Carbon Dioxide Concentration by Autonomous Sensors, Atmosphere Volume:13 Issue:2,358 Published:2022.
    4. Ge, S.(2022), An Indoor Air Quality Detection and Alarm System Based on Micro Control Unit, Proceedings - 2022 3rd International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Information Technology, CECIT Pages: 120-123 Published:2022.
    5. Adu-Manu, K.S., Abdulai, J.-D., Engmann, F., (...), Baiden, G.E., Sarfo-Kantanka, G.(2022), WSN Architectures for Environmental Monitoring Applications, Journal of Sensors,7823481 Published:2022.
    6. Zhang, J., Wang, Y.(2021), Design of remote control device using wireless sensor network and its use in intelligent monitoring of farmland information, Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking Volume:1 Issue:122 Published:2021.
    7. Chen, W., Wang, X.(2021),Coal Mine Safety Intelligent Monitoring Based on Wireless Sensor Network, IEEE Sensors Journal Volume:21 Issue:22 Pages: 25465-25471 Published:2021.
    8. Ferdian, R., Aisuwarya, R., Erlina, T.(2020), Edge computing for internet of things based on FPGA, 2020 International Conference on Information Technology Systems and Innovation, ICITSI 2020 - Proceedings 9264937 Pages: 20-23 Published:2020.

  18. Samuri, S.M. et al. "Intelligent 3D Analysis for Detection and Classification of Breast Cancer" JITCE: Journal Of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, vol. 3, no.2 , 2019, pp.96-103.,
    Cited By (Scopus Documents):
    1. Samuri, S.M., Nova, T.V., Bahbibirahmatullah, Li, W.S., Al-Qaysi, Z.T.(2022),CLASSIFICATION MODEL FOR BREAST CANCER MAMMOGRAMS, IIUM Engineering Journal Volume:23 Issue:1 Pages: 187-199 Published:2022.
    2. Yang, J., Li, H., Shi, N., Zhang, Q., Liu, Y.(2021), Microscopic Tumour Classification by Digital Mammography, Journal of Healthcare Engineering Volume: 2021,6635947 Published:2021.

  19. Marza, I. "Pembuatan Alat Tracking Artefak pada Museum Menggunakan Modul GSM Berbasis Mikrokontroler dan Short Message Service" JITCE: Journal Of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, vol. 3, no.1 , 2019, pp.18-24.,
    Cited By (Scopus Documents):
    1. Arief, L., Hadi, T.F., Sundara, T.A.(2020),IoT-based smart band for tracking position and monitoring conditions of children, 2020 International Conference on Information Technology Systems and Innovation, ICITSI 2020 - Proceedings Volume:9264954 Pages: 111-115 Published:2020.

  20. Novani, N., et al. "Analisa Detak Jantung dengan Metode Heart Rate Variability (HRV) untuk Pengenalan Stres Mental Berbasis Photoplethysmograph (PPG)" JITCE: Journal Of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, vol. 3, no.2 , 2019, pp.90-95.,
    Cited By (Scopus Documents):
    1. Meilinda, I.M., Sugiarto, S., Saleh, S.M., Achmad, A., Abubakar, A.(2024),Driving Stress Partial Model Considering Time Domain Applying for Two Wheelers Drivers: A Case of Primary Arterial Roads, E3S Web of Conferences Volume: 476,01043 Published:2024.
    2. Kazdagli, H., Ozel, H.F., Ozturk, S., (...), Ozbek, M., Semin, M.I.(2024),Electrophysiological detection of exam stress in health schools' students, Physiology International Published:2024.
    3. Thoriq, M.Z., Wijaya, R., Sibaroni, Y.(2023),Development of Stress Detection System Based on Heart Rate Using Artificial Neural Network, 2023 11th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology, ICoICT 2023-August Pages: 594-599 Published:2023.
    4. Arief, L., Hadi, T.F., Sundara, T.A.(2020), IoT-based smart band for tracking position and monitoring conditions of children, 2020 International Conference on Information Technology Systems and Innovation, ICITSI - Proceedings Volume:9264954 Pages: 111-115 Published:2020.

  21. Putri, R.E., et al. "Prototype of smart minimarket" JITCE: Journal Of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, vol. 3, no.1 , 2019, pp.39-53.,
    Cited By (Scopus Documents):
    1. Putri, R.E., Nazara, N.A.S.(2022),The Implementation Of Hand Gestures On The Fountain Burst Pattern,Proceeding - 2022 International Symposium on Information Technology and Digital Innovation: Technology Innovation During Pandemic, ISITDI Pages: 27-31 Published:2024.
    2. Ferdian, R., Aisuwarya, R., Erlina, T.(2020),Edge computing for internet of things based on FPGA, 2020 International Conference on Information Technology Systems and Innovation, ICITSI - Proceedings Volume:9264937 Pages: 20-23 Published:2020.

  22. Yendri, D., et al. "Sistem pengontrolan dan keamanan rumah pintar (smart home) berbasis android" JITCE: Journal Of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, vol. 2, no.1 , 2018, pp.1-6.,
    Cited By (Scopus Documents):
    1. Rahimi, M.K.H., Md Saad, M.H., Mad Juhari, A.H., Sulaiman, M.K.A.M., Hussain, A.(2020),A Secure Cloud Enabled Indoor Hydroponic System Via ThingsSentral IoT Platform,Proceeding - 2020 IEEE 8th Conference on Systems, Process and Control, ICSPC Volume: 20209305792 Pages: 214-219 Published:2020.
    2. Arief, L., Tantowi, A.Z., Novani, N.P., Sundara, T.A.(2020),Implementation of YOLO and smoke sensor for automating public service announcement of cigarette's hazard in public facilities,2020 International Conference on Information Technology Systems and Innovation, ICITSI 2020 - Proceedings Volume:9264972 Pages 101-107 Published:2020.

  23. Maulana, M., et al. "Rancang Bangun Instrumentasi Elektrokardiograf (EKG) dan Klasifikasi Kenormalan Jantung Pada Pola Sinyal EKG Menggunakan Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ)" JITCE: Journal Of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, vol. 2, no.1 , 2018, pp.19-26.,
    Cited By (Scopus Documents):
    1. Arief, L., Hadi, T.F., Sundara, T.A.(2020),IoT-based smart band for tracking position and monitoring conditions of children,2020 International Conference on Information Technology Systems and Innovation, ICITSI 2020 - Proceedings Volume:9264954 Pages: 111-115 Published:2020.

  24. Putri, A.Y., et al. "Sistem Pemesanan Makanan dan Minuman Pada Restoran Menggunakan Teknologi NFC Berbasis Android" JITCE: Journal Of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, vol. 2, no.1 , 2018, pp.34-40.,
    Cited By (Scopus Documents):
    1. Stefani, M., Layalia, N.(2023),The Relationship between the Use of Food Delivery Applications and the Risk of Obesity among Collage Students in the Jabodetabek Area | [Hubungan Penggunaan Aplikasi Pesan Antar Makanan terhadap Risiko Obesitas pada Mahasiswa di Daerah Jabodetabek], Amerta Nutrition Volume:7 Issue:2SP Pages: 155-163 Published:2023.
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  25. Oladimeji, O.O., et al. "Predicting Survival of Heart Failure Patients Using Classification Algorithms" JITCE: Journal Of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, vol. 4, no.2 , 2018, pp.90-94.,
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    1. Basak, A., Rahman, M.S., Rahman, M.(2022),TPrediction of Heart Disease Using an Approach Based on Machine Learning, 2022 13th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies, ICCCNT Published:2022.