The Use of Naive Bayes for Broiler Digestive Tract Disease Detection

Christyan Cahyaningtyas (1), Hindriyanto Dwi Purnomo (2), Budi Kristianto (3)
(2) Satya Wacana Christian University
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How to cite (IJASEIT) :
Cahyaningtyas, C., Purnomo, H. D., & Kristianto, B. (2019). The Use of Naive Bayes for Broiler Digestive Tract Disease Detection. JITCE (Journal of Information Technology and Computer Engineering), 3(01), 1–7.

Broiler chicken is a species of chicken that have high productivity. In order to get a good quality of chicken, good treatments of the breeding factors is needed, so the chicken will not easily infected by diseases. Gastrointestinal diseases are common disease that infects chickens. The mortality level caused by gastrointestinal diseases is considered high. This study is designed to address the problem by developing a system using the Naive Bayes algorithm. 60 chicken data samples were used, and the result shows that Naive Bayes might be used to detect gastrointestinal diseases among chickens with accuracy level of 93.3%. The number was confirmed by using confusion matrix evaluation method, and gave same level of accuracy compared to the expert judgments. 

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