Design of a Drowsiness Prevention Helmet with Vibration and IoT-Based Theft Detection Alarms
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Ensuring safety while riding a motorbike is an imperative task. Currently, safety products such as helmets have the capability to provide protection to users without the additional feature of issuing warnings. Consequently, a preemptive alert system is developed to offer timely notifications to drivers. The experimental setup involves the utilization of a Max30100 sensor that is linked to a microcontroller and integrated into a helmet. The objective of this final project is to offer a timely alert to the rider and utilize the Max30100 sensor for pulse detection in order to ascertain the normalcy of the rider's pulse. In instances where the rider encounters tiredness and fatigue, it is common for the pulse intensity to exhibit a reduction. The Blynk application presents the detection pulse findings on the smartphone screen, while the buzzer on the helmet will activate in response to vibrations and sounds once the pulse has diminished. Based on testing, the average pulse rate on quiet road conditions is 78.58 BPM. On busy road conditions, the average pulse rate is 73.25 BPM. While in traffic conditions, the average pulse rate is 73.5 BPM. The helmet theft detector uses a Sharp GP2Y0A21 sensor that can only detect object distances up to 10 cm.
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