Otomatisasi Pengoperasian Alat Elektronik Berdasarkan Hasil Prediksi Algoritma Long Short Term Memory

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Afriansyah Afriansyah Ade Irawan


Excessive use of household electricity is one of the causes of the largest amount of national electricity consumption coming from households. One way to reduce the amount of household electricity consumption is to automate the operation of electronic devices. This research proposes utilizing Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) algorithm to predict the habit of operating an electronic device. The prediction is then applied to automate the operation of that by exploiting the time series data from the usage. A series of experiments are conducted to capture the data of operating a manual lamp. Then, an LSTM model is built by training the data. The experiment results show the prediction accuracy of 99,28% and Root Mean Square Error of 0,091. Furthermore, the LSTM model is used to automatically operate a lamp in a month. The electricity cost from the automation is 36,38% lower than the manual.


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Afriansyah, A., & Irawan, A. (2020, September 30). Otomatisasi Pengoperasian Alat Elektronik Berdasarkan Hasil Prediksi Algoritma Long Short Term Memory. JITCE (Journal of Information Technology and Computer Engineering), 4(02), 83-89. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.25077/jitce.4.02.83-89.2020


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