Sistem Pakar Metode Backward Chaining untuk Optimalisasi Pelayanan Pemberian Informasi Obat Studi Kasus Puskesmas Lasi Kabupaten Agam

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Surya Dwi Putra Dhena Marichy Putri Sarjon Defit Sumijan Sumijan


Drug information service is an assistance service to handle the needs of pharmacists related to medicines consumed by patients at the Lasi Health Center, Agam Regency. Nowadays, most of drug information services always require pharmacists to carry out their services, although there is limited number of pharmacists for providing drug information services at the Lasi Health Center, Agam Regency. This study aims to optimize drug information services so that the services can be carried out without the direct presence of a pharmacist. The data used in this study were drug prescription data available at the Pharmacy of Lasi Health Center Agam for the last 12 months and drug information services provided by pharmacists at the Lasi Health Center Agam Regency. This study used the backward chaining method to identify the drugs prescribed to the patients. The result achieved by this study were 356 Rules that could be applied directly to drug information services, with an accuracy rate of 100%. The rules generated using the backward chaining method can be used to optimize drug information services at the Lasi Health Center in Agam Regency without having to be served directly by pharmacists.


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Putra, S., Putri, D., Defit, S., & Sumijan, S. (2023, March 31). Sistem Pakar Metode Backward Chaining untuk Optimalisasi Pelayanan Pemberian Informasi Obat. JITCE (Journal of Information Technology and Computer Engineering), 7(01), 1-7.


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